O U N D A T I O N   E X P O  ' 8 8
Progressing the World Expo '88 Vision
- A non-government not-for-profit entity celebrating Brisbane's World Expo '88 -

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Entertainment - Parades

'Food!' - The Expo '88 Day Parade

Designed to rival the famous Disneyland Parades, World Expo '88 featured two daily parades - the 'Food!'-themed Expo Day Parade - and the 'Hermaphro - Queen of the Night'-themed QANTAS Light Fantastic Night Parade.

Each parade featured over 15 floats - all totally computer controlled - larger-than-life moving diorama presentations - reflecting on the inane, mysterious, whimsy of our day-to-day life, surrounded by swirling clowns, musicians, performers, on uni-cycles, roller-skates, and user-made mobiles, in the guise of each of the Expo's theme weeks - and led by the 66-strong Expo City Marching Band, closely behind a clown on stilts carrying a banner of the name of the Expo's changing weekly theme.

Each parade weaving it's way from the northern part of the Expo to the south, on-lookers and well-wishers would gather on each side of the Expo's major thoroughfares, to watch this half-hour long spectacle - which never seemed to bore or cease entertaining upon every day (and night's) presentation.

The QANTAS Light Fantastic Night Parade had it's own extra charm - where it's magical illuminations and sounds would envelope each early evening of the Expo, with an special glow.

Here are some images of the 'Food!' Day Parade -

Another of the humourous performers
                              of the Day Parade 'Norm' - the TV couch-potato - from the
                          popular 'Life. Be in it!' 1980s (Australian
                          fitness) campaign The bounteous sun leads the Expo '88
                              Day Parade
                          Australian echidna - ant-eater - joins the Day
                          Parade Hamburger on wheels? No! The food floats
                          for the Day Parade were ingeniously carried by
                          ants! Some of
                          the ants carry away an Australian
Some of
                          the colourful performers of the Day Parade A vegetarian weight-lifter also
                          featured! 80s
                          nouveau riche culture including the pampered
                          poodle, fake sun tans and world travel...

These images are proudly a part of the Gabriel Collection of Foundation Expo '88
