The Holy See (Vatican)
National Day : September 4, 1988
Agreement to Participate : 14 January 1988
Commissioner-General : Archbishop Franco Brambilla
Pavilion : 1455 square metres
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The Vatican Pavilion hosted priceless artefacts from the Vatican Museums, some never seen outside of the Vatican before.

More than 100 historical sculptures, paintings and religious artefacts, some dating from the 3rd century A.D. made up the
 impressive collection, which included as it's centrepiece a plaster cast of the famous Michaelangelo's 'Pieta' from St Peter's Basilica. 

Of particular interest was a map of "Terra Australis" dated 1676, drawn in Manila by a Dominican monk, and two portrait mosaics from the fourth century A.D.

The impressive entrance to the
              Vatican Pavilion at World Expo '88, highlighting the
              central work - a replica of Michaelangelo's 'Pieta' from
              St Peter's Basilica
The Vatican Pavilion Entrance, noting replica of
Michaelangelo's 'Pieta', in background.
Image Courtesy of the Gabriel Collection
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